Credenti Support SLA

Credenti Support Options

Credenti offers the following support models.

  • Basic
  • Standard
  • Premium

Customer can submit ticket via following means:

  • Online ticketing system provided by Credenti
  • Sending email to a support email provided by Credenti
  • Telephone number provided by Credenti (Premium Only)

Credenti will use reasonable efforts to adhere to the following response times pursuant to the support plan indicated on the quote. Credenti may downgrade the severity level if the customer is not able to provide adequate resources or responses to enable Credenti support team to continue with problem resolution efforts. 

For clarity, Response Time refers to the period of time from when a support case has been submitted by Customer and Credenti’s support team initial response to Customer.

If Customer selects a Priority Level 1 case priority, Customer shall remain accessible for engagement and troubleshooting with Credenti support team from the time the case is submitted until the issue is mitigated.

For most countries, business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM during weekdays (weekends and holidays excluded).

For North America, business hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM local time, Monday through Friday excluding holidays.

For 24×5 support, hours of support are from 12:01 AM Monday until 11:59 PM Friday local time excluding weekends.

Severity and Responsiveness

Support cases are responded to within the timeframes defined in the Response Times below.






Email, Online Ticketing System

Email, Online Ticketing System

Email, Online Ticketing System , Phone

Support Hours

8 x 5

24 x 5

24 x 7

Priority Level 1 Response Time

2 hours

1 hour

30 minutes

Priority Level 2 Response Time

12  hours

2 hours

1 hour

Priority Level 3 Response Time

24 hours

8 hours

4 hours

Priority Level 4 Response Time

24 hours

24 hours

24 hours

Priority Level Definition

Priority Levels


Customer’s Responsibility


Critical business impact:

Customer’s business has significant loss or degradation of services, and requires immediate attention to restore functionality or usability.



Credenti Services are not accessible, preventing all users from logging into the machine after multifactor authentication (MFA).


When you select Severity 1 you confirm that the issue has critical business impact, with severe loss and degradation of services.

Customers shall remain accessible for engagement and troubleshooting with Credenti support team from the time the case is submitted until the issue is mitigated, otherwise, Credenti may at its discretion decrease the Severity to level 2.


Moderate business impact:

Customer’s business has moderate loss or degradation of services but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.



Performance degradation of Credenti services affecting multiple users during peak hours.



When you select Severity 2 you confirm that the issue has moderate impact to your business with loss and degradation of services, but can be mitigated by workarounds or compensating controls.

Customers shall remain accessible for engagement and troubleshooting with Credenti support team from the time the case is submitted until the issue is mitigated, otherwise, Credenti may at its discretion decrease the Severity to level 2.


Minimum business impact:

Customer’s business is functioning with minor impediments to services.



A single user is not able to login into the machine after multifactor authentication (MFA) or enroll their card or enroll in other MFA factors.

When you select Severity 3 you confirm that the issue has minimum impact to your business with minor impediment to service.


For a Severity 3 incident, Credenti support team will contact you during business hours only.


No immediate business impact:

Customer’s business is functioning with no impediments to services but Customers have a feature request or feature question or questions on a particular use case.



Request for information about upcoming feature releases or general inquiries about product usage.

When you select Severity 4 you confirm that there is no impact on your business.


For a Severity 4 incident, Credenti support team will contact you during business hours only.